How do I set up an isolation tank for molting? We do not recommend using an isolation tank for molting crabs. If your tank is set up with the proper substrate there is no need to isolate your crabs during molting.
Explanation: The main problem
Is calci-sand a good choice for a crabitat?? Calcium type sand is not the best choice for use in a crabitat.
Explanation: Our basic premise of substrate in a crabitat is that it must be kept moist and pack well. This ability provides hermit c
Is coconut fiber good to use by itself in a crabitat? We do not recommend using coconut fiber by itself as substrate for your crabitat.
Explanation: One of the main purposes of the substrate in a crabitat is to provide a safe environment for your herm
What is the best way to heat my crabitat? How you heat your crabitat will depend on how cold the room is where it is kept. Your solution may end up being a combination of several different heating options.
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