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Why do you list your shell opening sizes for each 1/16"?
Last Updated: 06/29/2009
We decided to size our openings for each 1/16" up to 1 1/4" to give our customers a better way to convey the size shell they would like to purchase.

We do not want to imply that purchasing the correct shells for your hermit crab is an exact science. The best you can do as a crab owner is offer your crab a series of shells around the right size and let them pick what they want. Some crabs will choose tight fitting shells and some crabs will pick very loose shells.

We decided to increment the openings of our shells by 1/16" to give our customers an easier way to pick the shells that they think are right for their crab. For example if you think that 5/8" turbo shells is a little too small then just start with 11/16" opening and buy several sizes higher. The same is true in reverse, if you currently have a 1" turbo shell in your tank that your crab keeps trying on but looks a little big and they do not stay in it then start at 15/16" and work your way down for several sizes.

This style of shell sizing actually mimics what we try to do with our shell packs. We generally try to pick shells from the low size to the high size varying by 1/16" as we go. For example in our Medium Shell Pack we pick 5 round opening shells with a 3/4", 13/16", 7/8", 15/16" and 1" opening, thus giving a good range for the crabs to choose from.

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