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My crabs keep digging holes, completely bury themselves, then come back up for a day or so, and then they start again.
Last Updated: 05/29/2009
This is perfectly normal behavior, especially for smaller crabs.

Explanation: Our cage of small crabs is a maze of burrows, caves and tunnels. Tiny and small crabs love to sleep underground, often for a day or more. It appears that as they get older they seem to be lazier and spend most of their time above ground, except when burying to molt.

The other side to this is that hermit crabs will also bury, if they are to hot or cold, to help regulate their body temperature. So something to keep in mind is I you see a lot of digging and not much activity in your crabitat you may need to double check your temperatures. Hermit crabs are typically happiest when the temperature remains in the high 70's to low 80's.

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